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Sunday, January 31, 2010
I found a job at hooters but my family is very religious and they wouldn't approve so I told them I'm taking an extra course load so that they won't suspect anything.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Every time I see you, I want to tell you that I hate you, that I love you, that I can't get you off my mind, and that after 7 months, I'm still in love with you, but every time I see you, I know that those words will hurt me more then they will ever hurt you.
I never usually lie, but I lied to you the other day and ever since I haven't been able to get it out of my mind.
Just because I just found out that we're related doesn't mean that I can just automatically starting feeling close to you.
I would do anything to get revenge on her but my faith in god and my beliefs keep stopping me from taking action and doing anything.
Friday, January 29, 2010
I forgot it was my cousin's birthday yesterday and I realized after 9 when all the stores were closed so I couldn't even run out last minute to buy her something.
I feel sorry for my boyfriend because my cousin likes going out with us but he gets drunk after one drink and just keeps ordering more and more and then he doesn't let anyone speak.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
I've tried to break up with him 3 times but every time I imagine the pain that he'll feel and I put it off for another time.
I'm jealous of my sister who broke free from our family and followed her heart and made a life for herself that really satisfies her.
I have feelings for him that I've never had for anyone before but I'm scared of getting rejected if I open up to him.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I was home alone with my boyfriend and we started getting frisky before turning around and realizing that the lights were on with the blinds open giving the whole neighborhood a clear view of us...
I hate how you always walk around with headphones in your ears and barely listen when I talk.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
I lost some money gambling and I promised my best friend I would pay her back this weekend for some money I borrowed a while ago. The problem is I don't have any money to pay her with and I've already pushed back our meeting a few times.
You told me you loved me more than anything in this world, and then I heard you tell another woman on the phone that you love her less than an hour later. I guess you love yourself more than anyone.
I stole money from my parents and now I feel guilty about it, even though we don't have the greatest relationship.
When you didn't call me back for a week I thought that you had left me and didn't have the guts to tell me so I slept with a guy I met that week...little did I know that your phone was stolen and you didn't have my number so you couldn't explain why you hadn't called until you got back...
Monday, January 25, 2010
The reason I don't want to get married now is not because I'm not "ready" but because I don't just want to marry someone I love, but I want to marry the man that I can't live without, the man I need next to me to breathe.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
The only reason I dress up and go out is so people don't ask me why I never go out, because truthfully I hate every second of it.
I know I should have broken up with you when you gave me the chance last month but I was scared and hesitated and now I feel like the chance has passed.
I didn't forget your birthday. I cheated on you the night before your birthday and I was too ashamed to call you and tell you happy birthday the next day.
I know that if I leave you I will be depressed again, because I can't be alone it scares me too much.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
It hurts to hear my parents fighting because I get scared every time that it will be this time that they end up getting the divorce they keep threatening each other with.
I wish that I could write my life story like you can in a movie so that I would be comforted with knowing that everything is going to end up alright.
The reason I keep putting off our date isn't so that I can find the perfect day to go out, but so that I find a good reason to bail.
When I tell you I don't understand something I'm not just saying it so that I can say something, I'm saying it so that you can explain what I don't understand.
I wish I was Catholic so not only could I confess the things I send to Confessions of Eden, but I could feel like I was forgiven for them too.
Friday, January 22, 2010
My feelings for him keep changing every day and I have no idea how to act and what to do.
I like skiing because when I'm at the top of a mountain I feel like I'm on top of the world.
I took the day off work last month to go to the doctor because I thought I might be pregnant. The doctor confirmed that I was pregnant and I went home right away to tell my husband the good news. He obviously wasn't expecting me because I went home and saw him from the hallway with another woman. I'm now getting a divorce and don't plan on telling him about the baby. If he ever finds out I plan on telling him I had an affair and that the baby isn't his which is why I wanted a divorce.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
I have my own fantasy world in my head that I live in, and I hope that one day that will become a reality.
I'm going to fight for my happiness and do all that it takes to make sure that I end up happy.
I resented the fact that my sister suddenly stopped giving my kids presents for their birthdays, until I recently found out that they've been having money problems and now I feel horrible for judging her without knowing what was really going on.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
I keep finding excuses to see him and I'm scared that he might catch on and think I'm a loser.
While I was getting the courage to tell you how much I love you, you started telling me how much you miss your ex girlfriend...I guess we weren't meant to be.
The only reason I'm not traveling around the world like I always planned is being you're right here at home.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
We've been dating secretly for the past month and the secrecy makes it all the more sexy.
If he showed me at least some sign that he was interested in me then maybe I might have enough courage to pursue a relationship with him.
I hate that whenever we hang out my boyfriend is always with us. I wish we could just hang out together alone, so that maybe you might think of me in that way.
I wish I could tell you how I feel about you but I know there's no point because it's obvious you don't think of me that way.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Every time you put your music on I just think to myself how different we really are...and if we are too different to last...
I know you don't believe in love at first sight but that's the only way to describe the way I feel about you.
I just found out that I have a kid that my ex from high school hid from me. Now I'm married with my own family and I have no idea how I'm going to tell my family without them freaking out.
I never used to like you but ever since we've started hanging out I've started having feelings for you.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
You keep telling me how much you love me and I can't seem to find a way to tell you that I don't feel the same way about you.
I cheated on you when you went away for university but I never had the courage to tell you.
You're a smart guy but sometimes I think that you have to be the stupidest person ever for not realizing that it's you I've been in love with for the past 5 years.
I broke my ankle when the chair I was having sex with my boyfriend on collapsed. My family thinks I slipped and fell on the stairs.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
I wish I could see you again but I know that it's best if we never meet up again, and we keep what we had as simply a great memory.
I feel sorry for my mother for having to be married to my father and having to deal with all that he puts her through.
My mother's new husband has been acting weird lately and I've caught him staring me from behind a few times in a creepy way. I don't know how to tell my mother because I don't want to hurt her.
A friend started acting like she didn't know me and would ignore me and not look at me in the face when I was talking to her when she's around this certain guy she likes and basically started acting like she was such hot sh-t and I was some weird loser. I hope he breaks her heart.
Friday, January 15, 2010
I used to love to cook and take care of the house and my family, but now I feel like I've lost all motivation in life.
I cheated on my husband and that's why we ended up divorcing but I'm too embarrassed to tell my family and friends that I simply was bored and wanted a divorce so I gave my husband enough reason to initiate a divorce himself. What he doesn't know is that I told my family that he cheated on me and that's why we divorced.
I have a thing for firefighters and even though I've been happily married for 15 years, my knees still get weak at the sight of a handsome firefighter.
My ex boyfriend used to live off chips, now whenever I see a bag of chips I feel like throwing up.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
I love you so much but I find it so hard to get the courage to tell you those three words, and all that ever comes are anything but loving words.
I gave birth to my son 5 years ago and no one knows that I was supposed to have twins, but that the one baby ended up dieing in the womb before it was born. I look at my son all the time and think of what my other child would have looked like and how they would be playing together had my other child not died.
Every day I find out some other thing that you did that shows me how much you really don't love me at all.
I hate the way my boyfriend lets his mother manipulate him the way she does. No matter what she says he always believes her.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
I am a gay man, and have been that way for years, but I am absolutely terrified to come out to my parents because they are homophobic.
Every time I take a sip of alcohol I pray that I will be able to stop after the first sip and not end up relapsing.
I sometimes feel like white supremacy used to exist for a reason, and that if it existed still that there could good that would come of it.
I just found out that my aunt is a completely homophobic, and honestly, it sickens me. I thought I knew her better than that.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
My boyfriend has a temper and I'm scared that one day he might turn his anger against me and be violent.
I told him and everybody else that if he dumps me it won't be a big deal but I know that I will attempt to take my own life if I loose him. I love him so badly.
I love my aunt to death, but I found out that she is severely homophobic and says horrible things about gays and lesbians. I honestly don't think that I can even be around her anymore.
I hate my sister's boyfriend so much. He has lied to her over everything, even lied to her about not having kids when actually he has a 2 year old son by another woman. Women are constantly calling my sister cursing her out on the phone, and somehow after all of this, she still talks to this fool!!! I'm debating if I should step in or not.
Monday, January 11, 2010
I had sex with you so that you would see me as something more than just a friend, now I feel like I've lost my self-respect and that you'll never see me as anything more.
I've always liked multiple people at a time and I often wish I was a Mormon so that in the future I wouldn't have to pick just one to be with.
I hate that I'm supposed to be your best friend yet you tell other people things that you don't tell me.
I may have taken me this long to come to the realization that you're not good for me but it's better late than never.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
I learned your schedule from a friend so that I can run into you by "accident" throughout the day.
I don't go out often because I don't have money to buy new clothes and I'm embarrassed to go out in the dated clothes I have.
I've stopped watching the news because I get depressed every time I hear a report on a tragic story or hear about a murder.
Sometimes I wish I could just run away and leave my problems behind, but what stops me every time is my loved ones.
I feel like people are too liberal nowadays and I wish I was born 100 years ago when people still went to church and had morals.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
I recently found out that my mother never breast fed me when I was a baby because she was worried about her boobs sagging. I can't seem to forget it and constantly feel resentment towards her, like she never truely loved me enough to do what was best for me.
Sometimes I wish I was an orphan because at least I would have had a chance at having parents who at least cared about me, unlike the horrible ones I was born with.
I relapsed and everyone thinks that I am six months clean. I'm too afraid of losing people to tell anyone and I can't stop on my own.
Newsflash: it's called freedom of speech, you ass. Don't bug me about the things I type, or the things that I quote from people. They're just words on a screen. Read it and weep, or don't read it at all.
Friday, January 8, 2010
I'm in university to become a lawyer but what I secretly want to do is become a chef, but my parents would disown me because I'm a man and they are very traditional, so they believe that cooking is only for women.
I'm poor but my best friend is pretty well off and I'm jealous of her but she has no idea.
I think I might be pregnant and I'm freaking out because I was planning on breaking up with my boyfriend and my parents wouldn't approve because I'm only 17.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
I'm sick of all your lies. You tell more lies than anything else and I 've given up so much for you and it hurts to finally realize that I've given so many things up for someone I should have left a long time ago.
He tells me that he's loves me but that he's bored and wants to take a break but I'm not stupid and I know that the real reason is because he's seeing someone else.
The reason I'm taking a double course load isn't so I can graduate earlier but so I have a reason to be out of the house and away from my family for longer.
I know that my husband doesn't find me attractive any more because I don't put any effort into looking good, but I don't any time or energy to even make an attempt.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
I get really nervous at the thought of having someone see me naked and my anxiety has stopped me from having any sexual interaction in my past relationships.
I feel like a beauty mark on my arm has changed shapes and I'm scared that I might have skin cancer but I keep avoiding visiting the doctor because if I do go to the doctor and get diagnosed then I'll have to deal with it.
I saw my dad have a heart attack in front of me when I was 8 years old and I can still see the image clearly in my head and it haunts me every day.
I'd love to have plastic surgery and be more confident about myself but I'm too scared of the possible complications and mistakes that can happen to ever go through with it.
I hate the fact that my husband is balding and he doesn't do anything about it. I know that if I suggested he do something about it he would just take it the wrong way and we would end up having a big fight.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
I feel like I'm bipolar, sometimes I'm so happy and upbeat and then at other times I feel like the world around me is falling apart.
I love my children to death but at times I wish I hadn't had kids because I miss the passion that we used to have in our relationship before the kids came along.
I have been wanting to get a divorce for years but never had the courage to even tell anyone. Recently I caught my husband having an affair and was secretly grateful because it gave me a reasonable excuse to demand a divorce.
My boyfriend asked me for money to help pay for his car and I was glad to help him because I thought we would be together forever, but I haven't heard from him since.
People think I don't take vacations and fly because I don't have the money but in reality I'm just deathly afraid of flying after the first flight I went on had severe turbulence and I thought I wasn't to get to my destination alive.
Monday, January 4, 2010
I hate to be the one to bail my family out of money situations they shouldn't be in. My step father makes $23 an hour and I make minimum wage yet all my money goes to helping them pay their bills.
People think that I have moved back in with my parents so that I can save up some money to put a down payment on a new home, but the truth is that I'm in debt and the home I had was foreclosed on, so I had no other choice.
I'm worried about getting my visa bill this month because I know that I spent more than I can pay on Christmas presents this year.
I secretly watch erotic television shows when every one else in my house is a asleep at night.
I am going to start an online business but won't tell anyone until it's up and running and I'm in profit.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
I spend all day yesterday staring at a piece of glass and staring at my arm. After most of the day I finally ended up making one cut but stopped after getting freaked out by all the blood.
The most annoying person I have ever met is my mother, and the worst part is that I live with her and have to deal with her on a daily basis.
Today I will sort through all the gifts that I have received for Christmas and will decide which ones I will re-gift next year.
I wish I hadn't gotten married 5 years ago because I now know I married the wrong person.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
It kills me to think that I can't help you get better now like I used to when you were young and I would put a band aid on your cuts and scrapes.
Everyone thinks I've stopped smoking but I've only started hiding it from everyone so that they stops ragging on me to stop smoking.
I wish that sex with my husband of 10 years didn't absolutely disgust me. I know I love him, but I can't stand the act of making love with him sometimes. I think something is wrong with me, and I have no one to talk to about it.
Friday, January 1, 2010
I'm only happy when I'm drunk so I've given myself the best new years present by buying myself a case of wine.
My parents died in a car crash a few weeks ago and I still haven't dealt with the fact that they are gone, and I know that this is going to be the loneliest new years.
I have made my new years resolution again this year, even though I know that like every other year I will break it within a few days.
Everyone around me is excited about new years but I know this is going to be the worst year ever for me.
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