Thursday, December 3, 2009


I am very jealous of my younger sister. Everything seems to come easier for her. She's very talented and smart. Everything that I'm not. She's also a stick compared to me. She used to be chubby and she worked hard to lose a lot of weight. She always has guys/girls always wanting her. It honestly makes me feel like shit. Because I'm honestly fat, I weigh 170 to her 100 pounds. I never have any luck finding a significant other. Sometimes I find a guy/girl that likes me until they see my sister and then there like "she's so gorgeous. How old is she? What's her number?" She's only 15 and I'm 19 and I guess it makes me jealous bc the guys I LIKE want her. She's everything I've always wanted to be. Thin, successful, beautiful, smart... I feel I'll never be as good as her. I'm fat, I'm not smart at all, I don't feel beautiful. I try not to show that I'm jealous, because don't get me wrong she's my best friend who I love dearly, but sometimes I wish I was dealt with a nice hand of cards and be just as happy as her...